Ever set a big audacious goal publicly? In 2010, I am accomplishing four audacious goals and you can follow along, comment, set your own, and be a part of the journey.
It is an inspiration project to help business owners grow revenues and salespeople grow sales, and non-profits raise funds which together = a better local community.
The overview is posted at Score More Sales. Details will be posted here daily, with weekly accountability posts.
This week marks the end of the first quarter of the year, so it would make sense to be 1/4 of the way done toward each goal for me to be on track. Alas, I am a bit behind - but gaining steam.
50 City Visits: On the calendar are the following upcoming events
May 5-8 New York City - several events... stay tuned!
May 22 Kent, WA
May 27 Portland, OR
July 12 Sacramento, CA
July 13 San Francisco, CA
July 26 Dallas, TX
July 27 TX (TBA)
October 28 Los Angeles, CA
More dates are being filled in....
NON-PROFITS - I had the pleasure of working as auctioneer for three non-profits this past weekend - an elementary school, a women's fundraising group, and a chamber of commerce. All were great! Still looking for 15 more events for this year. If you know of a non-profit that would like to raise funds, please have them contact me.
HEALTH - I am outside every day for 50 minutes.... doing a weigh-in next week.
REVENUES - Was recommended by a business advisor to speak with people in person about this goal rather than via the web - so will be doing that at each of my small biz stops around the country.
Hope you are working toward your goals!
my photo updated... with the Fab50 logo.... nice work to all involved.
This is where I track the progress of the four big, audacious goals that I have set for myself in 2010 and encourage others to post theirs as well.
I realize I have been participating so much that I have not written enough updates along the way. I am working to improve in that area.
The Tour: The Fabulous 50 Small Business Inspiration Tour is coming to Boston this Friday, March 19 and Providence on Tuesday, March 23. Both events are being hosted by local fantastic restaurant Fire & Ice. In Boston, we'll be at the Back Bay location, and the invite is here if you know anyone who is a Boston-area entrepreneur and could use a dose of inspiration. Fire & Ice is providing the appetizers and discount lunch coupons. Events are listed at eventbrite.
The Nonprofits: I am up to 20 non-profit causes that I'll be auctioneering (or have auctioneered) for in 2010. If you know of a mighty cause that needs to raise funds, please connect them to me. Cover my costs to get there and I will waive my fee in many cases.
The Revenue: New clients abound, and revenue is tracking positively and upward.
The Health: I've swapped my public goal to me getting "50 minutes of walking" every day - outdoors as much as possible, and that is at 80%. I'm working with a fitness trainer two times a week, which has been fantastic.
How are you doing on your big goals? Please post your comments here. It's important to share them with the world.
This is the fabulous turquoise, black, white, silver, and red "Wrist Rocks" bracelet for my Fabulous 50 year this year. Thanks so much to artist Ramona Abbott for her scientific "base 6" design - it is a math-meets-art design that catches the attention of most everyone.
I'm in Manchester, NH for city #4 out of 50 on our tour across the U.S. talking to small business owners on how they are growing revenues. Part of each presentation is a learning piece for me - asking folks how they are growing business, and then part is a workshop on new ideas they may not have considered - with some photos and video to document the journey.
Yesterday I went to Stonewall Kitchen - a huge operation today, but it started with humble beginnings - a card table, some jams and vinegars, and two dedicated workers who have built Stonewall Kitchen into a high end, quality, fresh and delicious brand throughout the U.S.
My progress:
Speaking tour: firming up workshops for Providence, RI, Boston, and Connecticut for March - and at least ten side conversations are going on about other cities around the country. If you are connected to those who help small business anywhere in the U.S. - please pass my name along.
Auctioneering: I firmed up three new auction events - posting them soon. Talking to causes about adding in one or two live packages that I can auction off for them to raise additional funds.
Revenue: Because of travel this was a little slow, but building up the new niche group called, "The Million Dollar Club" - as a virtual group and an in-person group.
New Sponsors: Becky Oh handbags, Wrist Rocks jewelry, and more announcements this week.
Health - well - I had lobster in Maine... what can I say.... no weight loss this past week -
Working to get others to post their big goals - but not having much success - any ideas, anyone?
Speaking Tour: We gained some traction with local small business champions to further promote the small biz workshop on Feb. 8th. Even though we had a number of exchanges with the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, they don't seem to be willing to help promote the event. Alas, others will - that is one of the takeaways for small business owners following our journey - you don't need everyone to "get it" - if you get a "no" - just move on, or further explain the benefit to whoever you are talking with. I made the decision to try an easier path to success, and found great support from Peggy O'Keefe of Micro Credit NH and several people she connected me to. I'm convinced we'll have a great turnout!
Am also working with those "on the ground" locally in Austin, Denver, NYC, Providence, and several other locations for upcoming stops. Check back for announcements.
Revenue Booked: Since my great web guy has moved on, I have to find a way to post my "wall" of success in new client business. I will devote a full post to this later in the week, but all is well.
Non-Profit Auctioneering: I have a very creative way to help non-profits raise hundreds, if not a thousand dollars or more at an already existing business luncheon or business association breakfast. Contact me for the details.
This week I secured the agreement with Marianne's House to auctioneer at their May 1st event. They help adults with developmental disabilities. I was passed over for another auction, but was able to make a referral to an auctioneer more suited to help that organization.
Health: I am not outside 50 minutes a day as promised. Gotta kick that one in this week. I did workout twice with my fitness trainer, Patti Guarino, and met with my nutritional coach, Lisa Schmidt. Am on the right path - but gotta get focused on the health piece!
Friday I head to Manchester, NH for a very big family event on the weekend, a day of writing on Sunday, and the workshop with Lou Bortone on Monday, Feb. 8th!
It has been three weeks since the Fabulous 50-50-50-50 Project (known as the Fab 50) begun - with a dip in the cold salt water at Birch Bay for their Polar Bear Plunge, and no turning back since.
I'm working on four different goals so will update my progress for each:
50 City or town visits: these are being set-up around the U.S. - where I feel compelled to go, and where the lower airfares work out or other reasonable transportation. We have accomplished THREE so far, with a FOURTH town: Manchester, New Hampshire up next. Lots cookin behind the scenes on this.
50 New Client Projects: I want to show other entrepreneurs how big your pipeline needs to be to bring sales opportunities to closure - so this one is going well. A "client project" represents a unit of $2000 in my chart, and so far we've been able to black out 20 of these units. This one is in good shape.
Auctioneer for 50 Fundraising Auctions: Am madly in the works on this - still looking for opportunities in the Summer, Fall and Winter since Spring is wrapped up. I have booked 15 solid events, 35 to go.
Finally the health goals: 50 minutes outside every day and get rid of 50 pounds. I am a bit behind on this, as I had started losing weight before Jan 1 to get me on the right foot - and lately have not gained nor lost. Total of 7 pounds gone; 43 to go. I am not getting outside every day, so I need to kick that in. I was thrilled though, to hire Patty Guarino of A Personal View as my fitness trainer, and Lisa Schmidt of Seattle is Well as my health coach. C'mon, team!
Whew! Lots going on - gotta stay organized, focused, and everything needs to be systematized to stay on top of it all.
So, we hit the ground running - it has now been ten days since the start of the New Year.
My check-in on the four goals:
Book event/speaking tour: 1 down, 49 to go. Went to beautiful Duvall, WA and the nice folks there were fun. At this writing I have six more events booked, and looking for more.
Health: added one hour of exercise/outdoors every day. Did that 50% of the time. Down 6lbs since mid-Dec.
Revenue: booked several new projects. This will be listed out later today.
Giving back: also will be listed out. On track. Looking good.
So - I am still working on the method of delivery of this information that will be easy to update - stay tuned.
We had a wonderful time in the small town of Duvall, WA at the Duvall Chamber of Commerce breakfast. I had never been to Duvall before (and that is what I told the nice motorcycle officer as we were just outside of town heading home when he pulled me over - thinking I was going a little fast...)
Teresa Berry captured the essence of the meeting. It was fun, energizing, and these business attendees all articulated what they do so that we were interested in following up with them and returning to town sometime soon. Take a look.